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I am confused. When do I ovulate?

I am confused. When do I ovulate?

You’ve probably heard several times that ovulation is the best time to have intercourse. That’s not entirely wrong, but this piece will help you understand how best to take full advantage of this information. First, how long does ovulation last? Simple – 12-24 hours. So, is intercourse during this time always going to give rise to a pregnancy? The release…

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How men should deal with Infertility

How men should deal with Infertility

It’s the new age and blaming women should take a back seat in fertility discussions. If you’re a man, you would have searched online about possible reasons for delays in achieving conception. You would also know that there are several tests you can take to confirm if the problem is you – yes you. Pregnancy is something that couples expect…

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Understanding IVF and Twin Pregnancies

Understanding IVF and Twin Pregnancies

Many variations of conversations occur in the consulting rooms of fertility doctors on a daily basis. In vitro fertilization (the process where the egg and sperm are united in the laboratory, allowed to progress as an embryo in the incubator for up to five days, before being returned to an expectant womb with the hopes of implantation) is now regarded…

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